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PICSL team

The Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory (PICSL) at the University of Pennsylvania.

Lab Software


Summary of lab and other related software. If you don’t have experience with medical image analysis, check out this page.


ANTs is most well known for image registration, but it also includes image segmentation (Atropos), bias correction (N4), cortical thickness calculator (DiReCT), and access to a variety of ITK-based image processing tools via ImageMath. If you don’t have experience with ANTs, read the scripts in the Scripts/ directory, as the usage examples contain the best parameter settings for most cases.


ITK-SNAP is used for display and interactive segmentation of medical images. It also shows overlays and segmentations, among many other features.


ANTsR provides an interface to ANTs from the R programming language. It makes working with medical images in an interactive way much easier and faster.


c3d, distributed with ITK-SNAP, provides access to a variety of image processing operations.


Pipedream is a system for doing documented, reproducible, standardized analyses of imaging data. It includes easy-to-use utilities for converting DICOMs to Niftis and organizing data.